PUFFIN/ALBA Award Dinner Speech

April 29, 2014

Once again we gathered to commemorate the idealism and courage of the Lincoln Brigade, connect their legacy with contemporary activist causes, and galvanize our energize for another year of compelling programs.

We hope you were as moved by the photographic memorial; as exhilarated by the words and work of our honoree Bryan Stevenson; and as stirred by the wonderful musical tribute to Pete Seeger as we were.
Many thanks to each of you for supporting us in keeping progressive activism alive!

Standing from left to right: Peter N. Carroll, Neal Rosenstein, Marina Garde, Sebastiaan Faber, Gladys Rosenstein & Bryan Stevenson; seated: Perry Rosenstein.

This speech was written by Perry and Gladys Rosenstein and delivered by Neal Rosenstein at the PUFFIN/ALBA Award Dinner

I am honored to share this platform with the Veteran’s of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, members of ALBA, honored guests and supporters of a Democratic Spain.

I bring you greetings from the Puffin Foundation, long supporters of ALBA and its worthy mission. In Parallel with the education endeavors of ALBA we at the Puffin Foundation have for the past 25 years supported creative public school programs.

The Puffin Foundation in the pursuit of our mission of “…continuing the dialogue between art and the lives of ordinary people” give hundreds of grants each year to artists, dancers, writers, photographers and brings art from Cuba & Russia for exhibitions at our Puffin Cultural Forum as well as music from around the world for American audiences.

Our galleries in New York, Teaneck, New Jersey & Columbus, Ohio are our commitment to protecting and advancing the cause of human rights.

The battlefields of today, is to protect and enhance free public education for all. We find common cause with ALBA which seeks to see that the gallant struggle against fascism becomes part of the curriculum in our schools. We at the Puffin Foundation are inspired by the continuing efforts of ALBA to make sure that this chapter of history fought on behalf of human rights is not forgotten. Toward accomplishing this goal we have established a fund which will provide $100,000.00 each year to an individual or organization that has actively participated and strengthened the cause of human rights called the PUFFIN/ALBA AWARD.

Congratulations to Bryan Stevenson,
recipient of the 4th ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism!

The ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism connects the legacy of the Lincoln Brigade with contemporary causes and includes a $100,000 prize to support the ongoing work of the recipient. The award is provided through an endowed fund made possible through the generosity of the Puffin Foundation.
Images provided by ALBA

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